Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love equals...

Recently, I have realized that there are a lot of definitions for love. Here are just a few that I’ve come to discover:

Love =

Still loving a child after he pees in your face.

Love =

The look on your husband’s face when, after having to deal with a crying child for 15 minutes, he realizes all that you do all day.

Love =

Doing the “binky dance” at night, just so your child will go back to sleep after spitting it out for the 17th time.

Love =

That moment when you realize what it means that God sacrificed his Only Begotten Son, and how hard that must have been, and that you’d probably never be able to give up your son like that.

Love =

Holding in your laughter when your child spits up on your husband.

Love =

Moving in with your in-laws for two months so that your wife has company after having a baby.

Love =

Watching your grandson for a few minutes while your daughter takes a shower…maybe one of the only things she’ll do for herself that day.

Love =

Staying away from your parents home for a few weeks to protect your new little nephew from illness.

Love =

Calling your sister, a new mother, just to see how SHE is doing, not the baby.

Love =

Flying up for the blessing of your grandchild.

Love =

Thinking of another before yourself.


The Kynastons said...

Babies really change your perspective on life, don't they? It's pretty incredible!

michelle said...

LOVE this post, Manda!