Sunday, September 14, 2008

"The Adjustment"

I’ve successfully been back from the mission for…9 weeks I think (it makes it hurt less to count by weeks…that means I can justify still being weird. By the way, at what point do I have to switch over and start saying months? Or even years!? Maybe I’ll wait till I get to like….4,598 or something…when I’ve fully adjusted…)…needless to say, life has been interesting. Everyone takes the adjustment differently. There are some adjustments that were easier for me like: hugging little children,
or wearing a swimming suit (although I do apologize to all those that are still going through eye therapy from the whiteness of my legs. Really sorry about that.).

The whole not have to wear a dress thing is just delightful, as I can now wear sweats to school, wear the cutest heels in the world, and not shower, just because I don’t want to! However, some adjustments just still make the world laugh…causing me to wonder how long it takes to adjust to:
~Not studying your scriptures all the time

~Being in the same room as a guy without your companion…
~Or, dare I say…date!?
~Doing your hair….AND makeup….on the same day! Or at all!
~Or what about getting used to styles? Since when did side ponytails come back in? does it make it not so 80’s if it’s a side bun?
Needless to say, I’m still trying to find out who this “new me is”, and apparently so is the rest of the world! Every time I see someone they say something like, “wow! You look so….different!” which I’m starting to wonder what the pause means before they say different… but still get a good laugh when people tilt their heads as if it were a better view of my face… I guess I shouldn’t mock it, I’ve never seen my own face from a head tilted view…maybe I should try it…

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