Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Mat and I were lucky enough to be with family for Thanksgiving this year. I flew out a week ahead of Mat to spend time with my family, then he flew out right before Thanksgiving. It was a blast for all of us. Here are a few of the adventures we had:

Cam and I went swimming with his cousins. Camden could not stop laughing at the other kids splashing... needless to say bathtime is now a sopping adventure for both Mat and I.
I had a girl's night with my sisters, mom, and my nieces, which was a blast. It is tradition for
girl's nights to involve cheesecake pudding so we watched a movie and dipped graham crackers,
bananas and strawberries in it...the pudding, not the movie, that is.
Some of my nephews participated in a turkey trot, where a child from every grade is put together onto a team and then they run about 400 meters and are ranked by speed. the team with the lowest combined score wins. My sister has four boys who they let all be on the same team and they and their two teammates won! It was pretty cool to watch. Normally, they let each winner take home a gift certificate for a 20 lb. turkey, so my sister, who ended up with 4 of them, donated them to different causes. It was a cool experience. Here they are:
And here's an interesting picture. This is a horrible pic of me, but I thought it was interesting. Upon taking this, my mother said, "Hey cool! My oldest with her youngest, and my youngest with her oldest!" (Ok, maybe not as cool as I thought it was at the time. But indulge me. If not,
enjoy a horrible cross-eyed picture of me.)
My bro-in-law took us all to a WSU volleyball game and we had a blast there. More to come in a later post about that.

Thanksgiving day was fun, involving lots of food, family, fun, and babies. We had, throughout the day, 4 children ages one and under.
Riley, my cousin's child, got a little hyped up on the excitement and accidently puked on the back of Camden's head. Ooops! Cam hardly noticed.
We had lots of fun cousin time. My mom took some good pictures of her youngest three grandchildren together.
We also went Black Friday shopping (wow, that was crazy... I'm not sure I'll ever do that again),
watched tons of football, the men played basketball, the women made pies, we ate, and ate, and ate until we couldn't fit in our pants, and had to wear sweats. :) Just kidding, Mat.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to all!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

You made me homesick for you all over again. Thanks for coming! It was an awesome week!!!!!