Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thanksgiving..a little late...

I've been meaning to post pictures from my vacation in Kentucky for about a month now. But i guess better late than never, right?

When I got there, Mom and I spent the first evening watching my niece Millie sing and dance to "Good Morning Baltimore" and "He Touched Me" from the movie Hairspray. Literally folks, this girl can even do the little booty shake...she's 3, mind you... it's utterly hilarious...

While in Kentucky (I went to see my brother who is in residency and U of K) we took the kids to a Shaker community. Has anyone ever learned about Shaker's before? They have some....interesting...beliefs. The kids stay in one part of the house (hmm....i'm liking this idea...), the men in one room and the women in another (wait...not liking this anymore...) they don't use technology (no blowdryer? cellphone? laptop? not cool...) but here's the one that threw us all for a loop: they live a life of celebacy. hmmm... I wonder what God thinks about that one? I think they missed the "multiply and replenish the earth" part in the bible... but that kinda makes you wonder though. How does a community like that thrive?

At the village, there were some farm animals. Here we are staring down a goat...

and charging a bull...

stopped to swing on an old swing...

Saw my brother's work, and a few of us got our eye's checked!

Shawn and I had a good time together. When i was little, he used to love to fling me around and use me as a personal weight set. We thought it would be fun if he tried it aga in .

All in all, it was a great vacation. The best part however, was being able to chat and help the missionaries. They came over for Thanksgiving Dinner and one of them happened to be a greenie from Mexico. He we elated to find out that my brother, Dad and I all spoke spanish. On Sunday we saw them again and i saw him speaking to the spanish elders. when i asked him in passing about speaking with them, he gave me this very concerned look and said, "yeah, but i don't know what they were speaking...i didn't understand that. You i understand, and i'm even learning Puerto Rican, but, i have no idea." I had a good laugh about that. It brought back good memories of greenies learning spanish. Good times....good times, in Kentucky.

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